Plunging Neckline Fitted Sleeveless Plus Size Evening Dress

SKU: ES80027
In Stock
  • 22
  • 24
  • 26
  • Burgundy


Looking for an adorable and romantic Plus Size Evening Dress, this is right for you. It is backless and sleeveless. The dress also has a deep V-neck and a straight silhouette.

Fit: Please refer to the Size Chart.

Closure: It is Concealed by a Zipper Up The Back.

Undergarments: It is Not Padded, with Lining.

Fabric: The garment comprises Polyester.

Stretch: Fabric is No Stretch.

16 104 88 155
18 109 93 155
20 114 98 156
22 119 103 156
24 124 108 156
26 130 113 157
  • The length of the strapless dress is measured from the top of the neckline to the hem of the dress.  
  • One or two inches error could be possible within the measurements.
  • Every dress has a unique size chart, please compare your measurement to the measurements provided in the size chart. And do not measure with clothing except undergarments.

Custom Tab 01

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