Lotus Leaf Ruffles High-low V Neck Evening Dress with Short Sleeves

SKU: EE02041BD04
In Stock
  • Burgundy
  • 4
  • 6
  • 8
  • 10
  • 12
  • 14
  • 16
  • 18
  • 20
  • 22
  • 24
  • 26


Introducing this elegant evening dress. The velvet fabric is not only comfortable on the upper body but also highlights the high waist of the figure. It adopts an irregular high and low skirt and a high waist design to show off the figure. Classic colours and pleated lines highlight your classic beauty and temperament.

Fit: Please refer to Size Chart.

Length: Floor Length.

Sleeve Style: Short Sleeve.

Closure: It is Concealed a Zipper Up The Back.

Undergarments: Not Padded, with Lining.

4 8 36 86 70 95 145
6 10 38 89 72 98 145
8 12 40 91 75 100 145
10 14 42 95 79 104 147
12 16 44 99 83 108 147
14 18 46 104 89 113 147
16 20 48 109 94 119 147
18 22 50 116 102 124 147
20 24 52 122 107 130 150
22 26 54 127 114 136 150
24 28 56 135 122 144 150
26 30 58 142 130 151 150

Custom Tab 01

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